Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507

CAOS Conflict Management

Based in London, UK, CAOS Conflict Management is a leading Mediation and Conflict Coaching Provider and Training organisation with over 20 years of experience working in a wide range of dispute, complaints and communication breakdown situations. 

We provide:

  • Mediation - for difficulties in the workplace, family, community, and for complaints and other disagreements
  • Conflict Coaching - 1-to-1 support for individuals involved in unresolved conflict in any situation or context
  • Group Facilitation - for creative problem solving, teambuilding, group disputes - bespoke service, please contact us to request this.
  • Training in Mediation Skills, Conflict Coaching, Managing Conflict in Teams and other Groups - for organisations and individuals.

Tel. 020 3371 7507

"In my opinion there are few people in this country who are as skilled both as a practitioner and leading advocate of Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution as Alan Sharland. He has an excellent reputation in the field." - Marina Cantacuzino - Founder/Director of The Forgiveness Project

At CAOS we start from the understanding that for each of us conflict is inevitable and rather than it being a 'bad thing', it is an opportunity for Learning, Connection and Insight - for organisations and individuals.

Learning Connection and Insight CAOS Conflict Management

CAOS Conflict Management supports the effective and creative resolution of conflict, which can be achieved when participants in the conflict:

  • Learn and create new ways of dealing with a situation
  • Connect with and understand the perspective of others - without having to agree with or adopt that perspective
  • Gain insight into themselves and/or their organisation

“Conflict is the beginning of consciousness”

Mary Esther Harding

Creativity is the means through which conflict is resolved, and Mediation and Conflict Coaching support the creative thinking that enables different responses to conflict to emerge when it is acknowledged that the present responses are not working.

All of our practices, whether mediation, conflict-coaching, training or facilitation are designed to enable the client(s) to create answers to their own identified difficulties.

CAOS doesn't provide ‘quick-fix’ or ‘sticking plaster’ solutions for any client. We provide a range of supportive but challenging conflict management processes that enable the client to transform their own situation, so that the learning and change which they create is sustainable for the future and transferable to other, similar situations they may be involved in.

"Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict." - Dorothy Thompson

Please use the form below to contact us with your enquiry or visit the other pages on the website to find out more:

Enquiry Form

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London, UK based Mediation Organisation providing mediation, conflict coaching, training and consultancy

"Promoting Mindful Communication, Growth Through Conflict"

CAOS - London UK-based Conflict Management Organisation
London, UK - based CAOS Conflict Management is a Mediator and Conflict Coaching Training and Provider Organisation
Enquiry page - CAOS Conflict Management
Enquiry page for services provided by CAOS Conflict Management
Partner Organisations working with CAOS Conflict Management
CAOS has an ever growing number of partner organisations wishing to manage conflict through mediation, conflict coaching and training and consultancy.
Conflict Coaching - Via Zoom or In Person
Conflict Coaching is a supportive for individuals experiencing unresolved conflict or difficult relationships at work, in their family or community. .
Conflict Management Training - Mediation, Conflict Coaching Skills
CAOS Conflict Management Training covers Mediation, Conflict Coaching skills training, Peer-to-Peer Resolution support training for student conflict and more.
Mediation accreditation,qualification (UK) clarifying some confusions
Mediation accreditation and qualification in the UK. Clearing up some confusions for both potential mediator trainees and clients
Online Conflict Coaching Training Course (CAOS Model)
Online Conflict Coaching Training Course - Introduction to the Origin, Philosophies, Principles, Skills and Practices of 1-1 Conflict Resolution Support
London Mediation Service : CAOS Conflict Management
London Mediation Service - CAOS is a Mediator and Conflict Coaching Organisation providing training in these skills and other conflict management services.
Family Mediation in London from CAOS Conflict Management
CAOS provides Family Mediation in London which includes conflict within families as well as for couples post-separation
University Student Complaints Mediation from CAOS Conflict Management
CAOS provides university student complaints mediation - and complaints mediation skills training - for use alongside University Student Complaints procedures.
CAOS Website Updates
This page keeps you updated with any new web pages and changes to the CAOS Conflict Management website.
Reducing Parental Conflict - Mediation, Conflict Coaching, Training
Parental conflict, if not resolved effectively, can be stressful for parents and children.CAOS provides communication + conflict management support for parents.
High-hedges mediation from CAOS Conflict Management
High-hedges mediation is available from CAOS for support in resolving difficulties between neighbours over such issues as overhanging branches, leylandii, boundary issues etc.
Workplace Conflict Management Training from CAOS Conflict Management
CAOS provides workplace conflict management training in themes such as 'Dealing with Difficult Behaviour', 'Managing Conflict in Teams' and many more, tailor-made courses for your organisation.
Communication Skills Training from CAOS Conflict Management
CAOS provides communication skills training to help individuals and groups interact more effectively and amicably. Are you or your team struggling with communication challenges? Give us a call on 020 3371 7507 for help!
Dealing with Difficult Behaviour Training - CAOS Conflict Management
Dealing with difficult behaviour training for helping professionals including charity workers, health professionals, voluntary workers, advice workers etc.
Managing Conflict in Teams - Training + Support for Managers and Teams
CAOS provides workshops on Managing Conflict in Teams: Principles of Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution that support effective responses to team conflict.
Mediator Mentoring - Mediation Reflective Practice Support (CAOS) UK
Mediator Mentoring for reflective practice from Alan Sharland - drawing on over 25 years of mediation experience in a range of different fields of practice.
Differences between Conflict Coaching and Counselling
What are the differences between Conflict Coaching and Counselling - this page outlines some clear distinctions
Effective Meeting Skills Training for Management Committees + Groups
Training in effective meeting skills and structures for management committees of community groups, businesses, project management groups etc.
Leadership Coaching from CAOS Conflict Management
Leadership Coaching for Conflict Management - How leaders can use professional and organisational conflict as a positive learning and development opportunity.
Resolving Bullying at Work: CAOS Conflict Management - London UK
How to deal with allegations of bullying at work in a way that helps to re-establish and maintain working relationships. CAOS - London + South East England
Mediation and Conflict Coaching - The CAOS Model
This page describes the CAOS Conflict Management model of mediation and conflict coaching used by CAOS trained practitioners.
CAOS-Accredited Mediator Listing
If you are looking for a CAOS-accredited Mediator, this page lists those who have trained in our model of mediation and who continue to review and develop their practice.
CAOS-Accredited Conflict Coach
CAOS-Accredited Conflict Coach List. This page lists those who fulfil the requirements for maintaining their accredited status via regular review and improvement of their practice.
Student Group Work Conflict - How To Help Students Resolve It
Student Group Work Conflict can arise when students are asked to work co-operatively on a project as part of their studies. This 2-day training course trains university staff in the skills of supporting Peer-to-Peer Resolution of student conflict.
London Mediation Consultancy-Workplace, Community, Family, Complaints
London-based mediation consultancy CAOS Conflict Management provides services for organisations, community and family related issues.Mediation Organisation.
Developing a No-blame Culture - A Workshop to Explore What's Involved
A no-blame culture - an approachthat is becoming more widely considered as a way of dealing with the consequences of personal or organisational mistakes and failures.
Creativity Coaching - helping you to move forward when you feel stuck
Creativity Coaching uses conflict coaching skills and practices to help people create choices for themselves when feeling stuck, powerless or creatively blocked!
Use Your Anger Creatively and Constructively - Online Course via Zoom
An Online Course via Zoom to help you use your anger creatively and constructively, not destructively or even self-destructively.
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Join our Online course: 

An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more

Online Conflict Coaching Skills Introductory Training Course.

How to deal with bullying at work

Purchase this book written by Alan Sharland, Director of CAOS Conflict Management:

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace: Stepping out of the Circle of Blame to Create an Effective Outcome for All.

Train to be a mediator
with CAOS Conflict Management and join the CAOS Learning Community of Mediators and Conflict Coaches and benefit from the follow-on support for your practice that training with CAOS will bring.

This is what people say about CAOS training...

"In my 20 years experience as an academic this is the best ‘in-service’ training I have experienced. The quality of the training team’s preparation and the skill with which they conducted the course was impressive."

Dr Meretta Elliott -Senior Lecturer-School of Arts-Brunel University - speaking about a 6-day Mediator training course run by Alan Sharland and colleagues.

"This was not an easy course; the challenges involved in working outside one’s usual mode of operation were considerable, but the upbeat attitude of the trainers and the calm and supportive atmosphere they created meant that I was free to work outside my comfort zone in developing an approach to assisting others deal with their own situations."

Dr Mary Richards - Subject Leader for Drama - Brunel University - also speaking about the Mediator training course.

"This was a very successful workshop, feedback described the day as “fun”, “interesting” and “informative” with a “superb” trainer who had a “very thoughtful approach”. 100% of our attendees said they had enjoyed the course and they would recommend it to colleagues."

Tania Murrell - Business Development Manager, Hillingdon Association of Voluntary Services - speaking about the workshop 'Dealing with Difficult Behaviour' run by Alan Sharland.

Train to be a Mediator with CAOS Conflict Management

"Alan provided excellent training for mediators at Common Ground Mediation which was challenging but also thoroughly enjoyable.

He led us through various interactive exercises to help us reflect on the mediator's role and impartiality. I would highly recommend Alan as a trainer for mediators."

Morag Steven - Director of Common Ground Mediation, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Here's a Handbook to help you practise more effective communication and to review and improve how you are responding to unresolved conflict:

The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Buy Now for just £4! or click on the image to find out more.

Buy Now