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The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients HandbookCAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Purchase the CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook for just £4!

The Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook is given to all clients of CAOS Conflict Management when they have their first one-to-one session. It provides a support during coaching sessions and beyond them as a reference and reminder of what has been learned by the client during the session about their present responses to conflict or their approaches to communication within a conflict. 

However, even for those who have not had Conflict Coaching, the Handbook provides useful insights into common effective ways of approaching conflict that support a more creative and effective outcome for all involved but particularly it helps the individual to respond more 'self-supportingly' within their difficulty. This reduces the sense of powerlessness which is a feature of all unresolved conflict and helps them to create positive and constructive change in how they are responding to their situation. 


The Handbook outlines:

  • The Underlying Philosophies of Conflict Coaching from CAOS - these support you with your difficulty by ensuring the coaching process enables you to create your own answers to your situation rather than receive a 'quick fix' from the coach which is unlikely to be sustainable.

  • Principles of Effective Communication - these have developed out of the practice of mediation - a process designed to support effective communication and creative responses towards the resolution of conflict

  • Communication Skills - these skills enable more 'mindful', more effective and more 'intimate' communication so that you become more aware of how your communication impacts on a difficult situation.

  • The 3 main ways in which conflict is responded to. Two of these never lead to resolution. Can you practice the 3rd way that leads to resolution?

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"I found the handbook to be particularly useful. I found something new to understand most times I read through it and it has been really useful in getting through some of the difficult times I am having with my teenage daughter. I listen to her more now and don't try to push her, meaning I don't have so many arguments. Still a way to go but definitely an improvement. Thank you!" - Conflict Coaching Client

"I'm so glad I bought this booklet from your site, it's helped me realise I compete in lots of my problem situations and so I can't really expect them to change much until I do. Now for the task of changing. Using labels has been a particular habit of mine - oops!" Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook purchaser

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An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more

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How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace

"Alan Sharland has written a vital book on bullying. His approach is the way forward. Instead of focusing on 'proving it', which takes us in the direction of investigations and hearings that go no where and only serve to exacerbate an already sensitive situation, he shows the way forward through direct communication and a focus on the behavior that is of concern."

 John Ford - HR Mediation Academy

The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Here's a Handbook to help you practise more effective communication and to review and improve how you are responding to unresolved conflict:

Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Buy Now for just £4! or click on the image to find out more.


Conflict Coaching from CAOS Conflict Management
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"Hello [Coach], Thank you so much for coming the other day. I immediately put some of the things into action. I feel so much happier since then, as if a weight has been lifted. The situation has improved no end. I do feel empowered. I hope other people can benefit as I have done .... Thanks again." - Conflict Coaching client

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"I'm writing to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! for the Conflict Coaching sessions. I found them very helpful. It's helped me to realise though I continue to have difficulties that I can approach and look at them differently. And feel more empowered to face difficult situations."- Conflict Coaching client