Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507

Executive Conflict Coaching
CEOs and Senior Managers

CAOS Conflict Management Executive Conflict Coaching

Executive Conflict Coaching supports Leaders and Senior Managers in dealing with conflict effectively and creatively on both a personal level and an organisational level. 

Conflict is inevitable within any organisation and how it is dealt with will be the difference between whether it is destructive for working relationships and project management or whether it provides an opportunity for learning, creativity, growth and improvement. 

Dealing with conflict effectively ensures future resilience against 'personal issues' becoming more important than the organisation's or team's development and progress. 

Most executives will have experienced situations where communication breakdown and a distracting focus on unresolved conflict has affected the performance of a team, department, group and, in turn, the success of the organisation within which they operate.  

Executive Conflict Coaching can help in various ways including:

  • Where an Executive's management style is felt to be abrasive or aggressive or 'difficult' in some sense and they would like to find a more effective way of engaging with their colleagues without 'giving in' or losing their passion for their ideas. 
  • Where an Executive has concerns about members of their team whose personal relationship difficulties are preventing a project from moving forward and the Executive wants to look at ways of managing the situation effectively. 
  • Where Senior Management Team relationships are proving difficult and work-relationships are proving personally difficult and having an impact on operational issues. 
  • Where board and team meetings do not go as productively, creatively, effectively as an Executive would like and they want space to think through how to make them more useful. 
  • Where an Executive has been accused of being a 'bully' and wishes to consider alternative responses than just an 'investigative' process such as a grievance procedure in order to re-establish the working relationship. 
  • Where an Executive would just like some 'time out' to discuss and reflect on some conflict challenges within their organisation in order to be able to 'stand back' from it and decide on a future strategy for dealing with the challenges more successfully.
  • Where a situation at home is affecting an Executive's work situation and would like support in handling this more effectively.

Executive Conflict Coaching is not Counselling

Executive Conflict Coaching provides a 'step-in-step-out' support to Leaders who want a reflective and creative space in which to have a confidential discussion about an unresolved conflict situation that is affecting their performance and/or that of their team and organisation. It is not a long term intervention and involves up to 3 sessions, usually 90 mins.

The frequency of the sessions is decided by the Executive and the Coach and can be 'regular' or as and when needed. However it should always be remembered that there is a limit of 3 sessions. See this link for more information about this approach and why it is provided in this way. 

How much? 

We provide a tiered charging rate depending on the type of organisation - sessions are always 90mins: 

  • Charitable or other community organisations: £135 per session.
  • Public Sector organisations: £175 per session.
  • Businesses: £210 per session.

Most sessions can be held via Zoom, telephone, Skype or FaceTime but if a face-to-face session is preferred travel is charged at £25 per hour. 

If you would like to make use of Executive Conflict Coaching or have further questions about what it provides, please call us on: 

020 3371 7507 


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Join our Online course: 

An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more

Online Conflict Coaching Skills Introductory Training Course.

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace

"Alan Sharland has written a vital book on bullying. His approach is the way forward. Instead of focusing on 'proving it', which takes us in the direction of investigations and hearings that go no where and only serve to exacerbate an already sensitive situation, he shows the way forward through direct communication and a focus on the behavior that is of concern."

 John Ford - HR Mediation Academy

The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Here's a Handbook to help you practise more effective communication and to review and improve how you are responding to unresolved conflict:

Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Buy Now for just £4! or click on the image to find out more.


Conflict Coaching from CAOS Conflict Management
Tel: 020 3371 7507

Would you like Conflict Coaching but you don't live in London?

No Problem!

We can provide it via Zoom!

Please let us know you'd like your Conflict Coaching via Zoom when you complete a Conflict Coaching Request form.

Are you:

An employer wanting access to Conflict Coaching for your employees?

A service provider wanting access to Conflict Coaching for your clients?

A health professional wanting access to Conflict Coaching for your patients?

Please CONTACT CAOS if you have an enquiry about Conflict Coaching or our other services.

Train to be a Conflict Coach with CAOS Conflict Management. Courses for individuals and for organisations. Click the link above to find out more.

"Hello [Coach], Thank you so much for coming the other day. I immediately put some of the things into action. I feel so much happier since then, as if a weight has been lifted. The situation has improved no end. I do feel empowered. I hope other people can benefit as I have done .... Thanks again." - Conflict Coaching client

Conflict Coaching for Executives and Senior Managers

Conflict Coaching for Workplace Disputes

Conflict Coaching for Family Disputes

Conflict Coaching for Bullying

Group Conflict

Conflict Coaching at Christmas

"I'm writing to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! for the Conflict Coaching sessions. I found them very helpful. It's helped me to realise though I continue to have difficulties that I can approach and look at them differently. And feel more empowered to face difficult situations."- Conflict Coaching client