Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507

Jenny Owen - CAOS-trained Conflict Coach and Mediator and Experienced Trainer
Tel. 07812 501424

Jenny Owen,CAOS-trained Conflict Coach,operating in Sheffield and South Yorkshire

I am presently Mediation Co-ordinator at University College London Hospital and so am no longer providing mediation on a freelance basis. 

I am a CAOS-trained Conflict Coach and Mediator, supporting individuals, pairs and groups in creating effective responses to conflict.

At the heart of my practice is an ability to listen with full attention and to ask open questions that encourage reflection and support self-empowerment in clients.

I offer a review of what’s been covered where necessary to allow the client’s own insights and perspectives on their issue to develop.

The space provided by both conflict coaching and mediation enables people to move through any conflict situation, creating greater connection and understanding in their lives.

Underpinning my practice is the belief that given this space and support every individual has the insight, tools and ability needed to resolve their own disagreements effectively - with creativity and compassion.

Other Information:

Previous work includes:

 Ongoing formal mediation for couples and individuals to resolve conflict that is impacting negatively on their relationships

 Extensive experience mediating and teaching conflict resolution skills to young people and school staff, enabling them to de-escalate situations and creatively resolve issues. I have provided this in local and national schools and organisations.

 Eight years training, practice and workshop facilitation in Non-Violent Communication (NVC);

 Trained young people in a wide variety of secondary and primary schools to provide student-led mediation schemes, via the charity Conflict Education Resolution Sheffield Schools Training (CRESST)

 Workshop facilitation in a variety of educational settings including secondary schools and Further Education colleges, adult education environments, peace education conferences

 Service Manager at Mediation Sheffield

Other relevant experience:

 Assistant Programme Manager for the charity Conflict Resolution in Sheffield Schools (CRESST) over the last 2 years

 A personal tutor in Rotherham and Sheffield Secondary and Further Education environments.

 Sixth form teacher for 6 years

 Secondary teacher for 1 year, with additional week-long placements in a variety of schools

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Join our Online course: 

An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more

Online Conflict Coaching Skills Introductory Training Course.

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace

"Alan Sharland has written a vital book on bullying. His approach is the way forward. Instead of focusing on 'proving it', which takes us in the direction of investigations and hearings that go no where and only serve to exacerbate an already sensitive situation, he shows the way forward through direct communication and a focus on the behavior that is of concern."

 John Ford - HR Mediation Academy

The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Here's a Handbook to help you practise more effective communication and to review and improve how you are responding to unresolved conflict:

Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Buy Now for just £4! or click on the image to find out more.


Conflict Coaching from CAOS Conflict Management
Tel: 020 3371 7507

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Train to be a Conflict Coach with CAOS Conflict Management. Courses for individuals and for organisations. Click the link above to find out more.

"Hello [Coach], Thank you so much for coming the other day. I immediately put some of the things into action. I feel so much happier since then, as if a weight has been lifted. The situation has improved no end. I do feel empowered. I hope other people can benefit as I have done .... Thanks again." - Conflict Coaching client

Conflict Coaching for Executives and Senior Managers

Conflict Coaching for Workplace Disputes

Conflict Coaching for Family Disputes

Conflict Coaching for Bullying

Group Conflict

Conflict Coaching at Christmas

"I'm writing to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! for the Conflict Coaching sessions. I found them very helpful. It's helped me to realise though I continue to have difficulties that I can approach and look at them differently. And feel more empowered to face difficult situations."- Conflict Coaching client