Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507

Mark De Fusco
CAOS-trained Conflict Coach
Civil, Commercial & Workplace Mediator 
Tel: 07940 266238

Mark De Fusco - CAOS Conflict Management-trained Conflict Coach covering the Northumberland, Newcastle, Edinburgh areas as well as online.

I am a CAOS-trained Conflict Coach and civil, commercial and workplace mediator operating in the Northumberland, Newcastle, Edinburgh areas.

I have substantive experience in working with people to overcome personal issues and communication challenges, and deal with conflict, and disputes, particularly in the workplace.

My background includes a deep understanding of mental health and the impact on an individual and how they self-manage situations.

In addition, I currently work with professionals in periods of workplace transition to foster better communication and working environments.

Throughout my career, I have been committed to helping people understand how to better deal with conflict and have more positive conversations. As a qualified Mediator and CAOS-trained Conflict Coach I work with individuals to unlock resolution of disputes and am often the go-to for internal matters.

Prior to starting my mediation practice, I have been employed by leading organisations and  been involved with workplace matters at both an individual and employer level, and have provided supervision and training to staff members, as well as dealing with front line matters.

I am also a registered Occupational Therapist and Health and vocational rehabilitation consultant, currently supporting clients with difficulties in the workplace, from managing their mental health, focusing on coping strategies around stress and anxiety, to dealing with conflict issues.

Using the Principles and Philosophies of the CAOS model, I offer up to three 1-1 conflict coaching sessions to allow clients the space they need to work through their conflict situation. 

Serving the Northumberland, Newcastle, Edinburgh areas and beyond

Conflict coaching can be carried out online, such as FaceTime, Teams or Skype, no matter where people are in the world.

Sessions can also be carried out over the phone or in person, and I am happy to travel anywhere in the north east of England as well as the Scottish Borders and Edinburgh (or farther afield if needs dictate)

Situated in between Newcastle and Edinburgh I am happy to travel if that is your preferred option. A dog walk or a stroll in the surrounding hills of Northumberland are also excellent options. 

Visit my website via this link to find out more.

Contact me directly via this contact page

By telephone at the following number: 

07940 266238

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Join our Online course: 

An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more

Online Conflict Coaching Skills Introductory Training Course.

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace

"Alan Sharland has written a vital book on bullying. His approach is the way forward. Instead of focusing on 'proving it', which takes us in the direction of investigations and hearings that go no where and only serve to exacerbate an already sensitive situation, he shows the way forward through direct communication and a focus on the behavior that is of concern."

 John Ford - HR Mediation Academy

The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Here's a Handbook to help you practise more effective communication and to review and improve how you are responding to unresolved conflict:

Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Buy Now for just £4! or click on the image to find out more.


Conflict Coaching from CAOS Conflict Management
Tel: 020 3371 7507

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We can provide it via Zoom!

Please let us know you'd like your Conflict Coaching via Zoom when you complete a Conflict Coaching Request form.

Are you:

An employer wanting access to Conflict Coaching for your employees?

A service provider wanting access to Conflict Coaching for your clients?

A health professional wanting access to Conflict Coaching for your patients?

Please CONTACT CAOS if you have an enquiry about Conflict Coaching or our other services.

Train to be a Conflict Coach with CAOS Conflict Management. Courses for individuals and for organisations. Click the link above to find out more.

"Hello [Coach], Thank you so much for coming the other day. I immediately put some of the things into action. I feel so much happier since then, as if a weight has been lifted. The situation has improved no end. I do feel empowered. I hope other people can benefit as I have done .... Thanks again." - Conflict Coaching client

Conflict Coaching for Executives and Senior Managers

Conflict Coaching for Workplace Disputes

Conflict Coaching for Family Disputes

Conflict Coaching for Bullying

Group Conflict

Conflict Coaching at Christmas

"I'm writing to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH! for the Conflict Coaching sessions. I found them very helpful. It's helped me to realise though I continue to have difficulties that I can approach and look at them differently. And feel more empowered to face difficult situations."- Conflict Coaching client