Contact CAOS Conflict Management on 020 3371 7507

The CAOS Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Course

CAOS Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills trainingAre your customer/client/patient - staff relationships like this?

Our Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Course is offered to organisations with staff working in client and customer facing roles where relationships can sometimes become difficult.

This training helps staff in such roles to develop more cooperative working relationships with their customers and clients. 

Our training has been used by groups as diverse as school pupil educators to foster carers and social workers, family group conference co-ordinators and others.

'Course exceeded my expectations'

'Thank you so much for a fantastic training which was very insightful and useful both personally and professionally!'

The training draws upon mediation and conflict coaching skills and is spread over 6 x 2 hr online sessions via zoom with the option of further open space 'review forums' for reflection and discussion about the topics, skills and challenges that arise on the Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Course. 

This is obviously not a full training course in either mediation or conflict coaching skills. It therefore does not train people to be a practitioner of either of those process, but it does draw upon the direct interactive communication skills used within those processes to support a co-operative 'adult-adult' relationship with clients and customers rather than what can often occur in customer/client relationships, a more 'parent-child' relationship - where both parties to that relationship play their part in its existence. 

'It took me a while to crystallize the ideological and practical stance of this approach to mediating and coaching, and how it links to the values of other approaches I have employed, but once I got to grips with it, particularly once we tried out practical exercises, I enjoyed it more and grasped its significance.'

This is not training 'about' effective communication that supports conflict resolution, it is training that directly involves participants in practising the skills, bringing their own understandings and challenges in their customer and client facing work.

They have a chance to learn, make mistakes and improve their responses in difficult situations and perhaps significantly it also gives them a chance to speak with each other about the stress and challenges of their roles and be able to learn from each other more supportive ways of dealing with those stresses and challenges. 

This training has relevance to interactions between staff and clients in all forms of their communication whether in-person, online, on the telephone and even on social media. It looks at principles and philosophies that underpin all aspects of effective communication in relation to a difficulty or conflict situation. 

Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Course - Content and themes

Each session is 2 hours long with a 5 min break around half-way

Session 1: Introduction to the Underlying Philosophies and Practical Principles that support effective communication and conflict resolution. Introduction to the first of the 3 main skills that arise from the above.

Session 2: Exploring conflict, what it means to us personally and how we respond to it. Further development of the skills

Session 3: Developing the co-operative practice of using open questions and understanding the significant difference between these and closed questions. Why the former promote cooperation while the latter will often lead to resistance, passivity, rejection in clients and customers. 

Session 4: Ineffective and effective responses to conflict. Why two particular ways of responding can never lead to resolution of a difficulty. A review of the features of an effectively resolved conflict and what we can learn from this.

Session 5: Reviewing with the group how these practices can be integrated into their own context. Identifying challenges to doing so. Further skills practice.

Session6: Finalising review of the training and how to integrate it into everyday practice. 

It is recommended that the 6 sessions of the CAOS Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Course are held at least 1 week apart so that there is time between sessions for participants to reflect on and practise the skills they have learned and bring back challenges and questions to the following sessions. 

Optional Review Forums:

As an additional optional support for reviewing and developing from the Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Course, we offer one hour Review Forums after each session for participants to bring any questions that have arisen.

These can be arranged in advance as a built-in part of the course or arranged according to need after each session. They are not compulsory for completion of the training but are offered simply as a learning support option for participants who may be interested. 

This also includes a 2-hour Review Forum option after the course has completed to review implementation of the skills and practices within the work environment. This can be used at any time within 3 months of the course completing. 

Participants receive a CAOS Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Online Training Course certificate to confirm their completion of the course

All aspects of the above are included in the fee for the training. 

Please note there is a maximum number of 8 participants per course.

If you have more than this number of staff who you wish to have trained we can offer a second course at a 25% discount if booked at the same time and run within 3 months of each other. 

Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Course CAOS Conflict Management

What aspects of the Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Course worked well for you? Why?

'All of it. The group work. The scenarios. The principles and the way they were reinforced every session. I appreciated the Zoom link and resources being sent before each session and the way the recordings were sent promptly after each session, again with any appropriate recources.'

'I really enjoyed the flexibility to be able to practice the principles in line with our needs.'

"-There was a nice level between listening and practical group discussions.

- splitting into small groups worked really well for me.

- content was extremely relevant as I work with families, adult and child. It was very useful being able to practice what we had learnt with each other. I'm still learning to apply it with my family as I am working on changing my mindset in how I work with the parents through doing this training.

- As I am not a very big fan of zoom training the training in this course done an amazing job as there was an expectation for each session but with the willingness to be flexible."

How useful were the documents and links to other resources? Were there enough?

'These were very useful especially the videos and recordings. The images and handouts were very useful without being the main focus of the sessions.'

Fees for the Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Course

Commercial Organisations: £3000

Statutory Organisations: £2400

Charitable Organisations: £1800

Full payment is required in advance of the training commencing. 

How do I book the Online Communication and Conflict Resolution Skills Training Course for the staff at our organisation?

Please call CAOS Conflict Management on:

020 3371 7507

or email us via our contact enquiry page at this link:

Sorry, this training is not for individuals, only for organisational bookings.

If you wish for a similar, more generic training course in these skills and the thinking behind them you may be interested in one of the following:

The CAOS online conflict coaching introductory course

The CAOS full in-person mediation skills course (6 days)

The CAOS full conflict coaching skills training course (5 days).

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Join our Online course: 

An Introduction to the Philosophies, Principles and Practice of the CAOS Model of Conflict Coaching - Click this link to find out more

Online Conflict Coaching Skills Introductory Training Course.

This is what people say about CAOS training...

"In my 20 years experience as an academic this is the best ‘in-service’ training I have experienced. The quality of the training team’s preparation and the skill with which they conducted the course was impressive."

Dr Meretta Elliott -Senior Lecturer-School of Arts-Brunel University - speaking about a 6-day Mediator training course run by Alan Sharland and colleagues.

"This was not an easy course; the challenges involved in working outside one’s usual mode of operation were considerable, but the upbeat attitude of the trainers and the calm and supportive atmosphere they created meant that I was free to work outside my comfort zone in developing an approach to assisting others deal with their own situations."

Dr Mary Richards - Subject Leader for Drama - Brunel University - also speaking about the Mediator training course.

"This was a very successful workshop, feedback described the day as “fun”, “interesting” and “informative” with a “superb” trainer who had a “very thoughtful approach”. 100% of our attendees said they had enjoyed the course and they would recommend it to colleagues."

Tania Murrell - Business Development Manager, Hillingdon Association of Voluntary Services - speaking about the workshop 'Dealing with Difficult Behaviour' run by Alan Sharland.

Train to be a Mediator with CAOS Conflict Management

"Alan provided excellent training for mediators at Common Ground Mediation which was challenging but also thoroughly enjoyable.

He led us through various interactive exercises to help us reflect on the mediator's role and impartiality. I would highly recommend Alan as a trainer for mediators."

Morag Steven - Director of Common Ground Mediation, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Here's a Handbook to help you practise more effective communication and to review and improve how you are responding to unresolved conflict:

The CAOS Conflict Coaching Clients Handbook

Buy Now for just £4! or click on the image to find out more.

Buy Now

How to resolve Workplace Bullying Allegations

"Alan Sharland has written a vital book on bullying. His approach is the way forward. Instead of focusing on 'proving it', which takes us in the direction of investigations and hearings that go no where and only serve to exacerbate an already sensitive situation, he shows the way forward through direct communication and a focus on the behavior that is of concern." John Ford - HR Mediation Academy

Please click on the image above or the text below to purchase this book written by Alan Sharland, Director of CAOS Conflict Management: 

How to Resolve Bullying in the Workplace: Stepping out of the Circle of Blame to Create an Effective Outcome for All.

CAOS Effective Communication for Conflict Resolution

Guide to Effective Communication for Conflict Resolution introduces the 9 Principles that are also described on this site to help the reader develop a 'mindfulness' in relation to their communication in a way that supports the resolution of conflict. In this book 

Alan shares his observations and learnings from working as a Mediator and Conflict Coach with regard to the ways that people become stuck in unresolved conflict but also how they go on to create more effective ways forward in their difficult situations. 

"I think you put together so well all the essential components of
conflict transformation in a way which people can relate to and
understand. A brilliant book and I will recommend it to everyone."  

Jo Berry  -